A downloadable game


After playing Dante's Inferno and Diablo games, I've always dreamed about creating a cross-over of that two titles as in my opinion, it would fit perfectly and so... I started. After a very fast while I realized that this task is not achievable by a single person with no prior experience in making games but I was so deep in the development that I decided to keep making the game but with a changed direction and scope. It still is not a simple task, mainly because I work on it only in my free time after work. It allows me to learn a ton of new things every day and surely will be something to be proud of when it will be finished. The game is not yet finished, but I decided that I have enough working mechanics so I can put them together to start seeing everything in one piece.

The world has been shaken by an earthquake that has left mysterious breaches and cracks around the globe. Various monsters have started to come out from underground, attacking villages and humans and claiming more and more ground for themselves. Rumors about a prophecy have started to circle - The God of Underworld, once forgotten by people tired of wars, chaos, and poverty will return to the surface to remind everyone who gave birth to this world. Also, another divine being will appear, although his origin and fate are yet to be revealed.

A Player wakes up in the forest, near the city of Fortaare not knowing who he is, and how he got there. By fighting monsters and retrieving information enclosed in ancient relics he will unravel a mystery about his destiny.

Disclaimer: This story has been used for demo purposes only. It may change in parts or entirely in the future.

What works:
- Combat - melee and ranged
- Player progression
- Player stats
- Inventory
- Loot and itemization
- Quests
- Branched dialogues
- Character customization
- Saving and Loading

What's left to do:
- Proper skill system (now it's based on consumables - scrolls)
- Procedural maps and dungeons generation
- Shops and merchants
- Crafting
- Party-based multiplayer (Stretch goal)

Genre: Action RPG / Hack-n-Slash
Theme: Medieval, Polytheic times, Fantasy
Tech: Unity Engine, C#
Platform: PC (Maybe mobile)
Core Gameplay: Slaying monsters, Leveling, Skill progression, Looting
Art: Low-Poly - bought assets based (Synty Store)

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